3rd International Conference on Recent Trend in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2020) held at MIT ADT University

A two day International Conference on Recent trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2020) was organized at MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences and Research (MITBIO) at MIT-ADT University campus in Loni Kalbhor, Pune on 31st January and 1st February 2020. This 3rd international conference was attended by 300 odd delegates from various places of the subcontinent. The conference was inaugurated by Honourable Vishwanath Karad, Founder MAEERS MIT group of institutes, Guest of Honour Dr. Jeremy Simpson, UCD, Ireland and Dr. Rustam Mody, Senior VP, Lupin Ltd. The chief guest for the event was Padmavibhushan Dr. K. H. Sancheti, Director, Sancheti Institute of Orthopedics. The conference was convened by Prof. Vinayak Ghaisas, Director, School of Bioengineering and Dr. Renu Vyas, Head of the School.

The first day of the conference brought together experts from academia and research like Dr. Nathan Johnson (Harvard Medical School, USA), Dr. Dasmit Singh Khokar, Senior Paediatric Surgeon, Dr. Ne... 

elam Vaidya Founder & CEO, Viridischem Inc, USA, Dr. Bhavik Sawhney, Springer Nature and Dr. Binay Panda Scientific Director, Ganit Labs, Bengaluru. The second day was graced by international speakers and industry luminaries, Dr. Justin Dauwels (NTU, Singapore), Dr. Jee Loon Foo (NUS, Singapore) and Prof. Gaitis Kasims (Eurofins Genomics, Germany). Dr. Vibhor Saraswat VP, Zydus Biologics and Dr. Arun Jamkar, Persistent Systems, Pune. There were talks by eminent scientists like Dr. Sangeeta Kale (DIAT), Prof. Amita Ravikumar (IBB, SP Pune University), Dr. Ashok P. Giri (CSIR-NCL), Dr. Mohan R. Wani (NCCS) and Dr. Hemant K. Gautam (IGIB, New Delhi).

The major highlight of the conference was the industry expo and the inauguration of laboratories in Environmental bioengineering, Biosensors, Molecular Simulations, Bio-imaging, Microcontroller and data analytics.

The flagship event also witnessed presentation of more than hundred poster and oral presentations by students and research fellows from all over India and had three broad themes: Bioinformatics, Biomedical and Biotechnology. The selected papers will be published by Springer and American Scientific Publishers. The conference turned out to be major platform for students to interact with industry experts, research scientists and expert academicians from the field of Bioengineering.

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