Assistant Professor
MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, MIT-ADT University, Pune
Her research focused on three main areas; Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology. This included evaluating fungal and bacterial antagonists against necrotrophic and obligate fungal plant pathogens, mass multiplication of antagonists, extracellular secondary metabolite analysis, biochemical analysis, planning field experiments, disease observations, monitoring antagonist population on plants, insect karyotyping, microbial diversity analysis of different ecosystems, molecular identification of microbes and fermentation.

- B.Sc. Microbiology | Abeda Inamdar Senior College for Girls, affiliated to the University of Pune (2004)
- M.Sc. Microbiology | Abeda Inamdar Senior College for Girls, affiliated to the University of Pune (2006)
Teaching | 5 years |
Research | 6 years |
Research Publications
- Sharma AK, Sawant SD, Adsule PG and Rajguru YR (2009). Comparison of Commercial and Locally Identified Yeast Strains in Relation to Young Wine Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic., 30 (2), 148-150.
- Sharma AK, Rajguru YR, Adsule PG and Goswami AK (2013). Pre- treatments of Tas-A-Ganesh grape bunches and subsequent effect on their drying. Indian J. Hort. 70(1), March 2013: 107-111.
- Sawant IS, Rajguru YR, Salunkhe VP and Wadkar PN (2012). Evaluation and selection of efficient isolates of Trichoderma species from diverse locations in India for biological control of anthracnose disease of grapes. Journal of Biological Control, 26 (2), 144-154,
- Sawant IS, Sawant SD, Rajguru YR and Wadkar PN (2012). Bio efficacy of Trichoderma in reducing deadwood formation and enhancing bud sprouting in grapevines. Journal of Biological Control, 26 (3): 260-265, 2012.
- Salunkhe VP, Sawant IS, Banerjee K, Rajguru YR, Wadkar PN, Oulkar DP, Naik DG, Sawant SD (2013). Biodegradation of profenofos by Bacillus subtilis 672 isolated from grapevines (Vitis vinifera). J Agric. Food Chem., 61, 7195-7202.
- Sawant IS, Wadkar PN, Rajguru YR, Mhaske NH, Salunkhe VP, Sawant SD and Upadhyay A (2016). Biocontrol potential of two novel grapevine associated Bacillus strains for management of anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 26 (7) 964–979.
- Sawant IS, Wadkar PN, Ghule SB, Rajguru YR, Salunkhe VP, Sawant SD (2017). Enhanced biological control of powdery mildew in vineyards by integrating a strain of Trichoderma afroharzianum with sulphur. Biol. Control, 114, 133–143.
- Yadav DS, Ranade YH, Samarth RR and Fand BB (2019). Cytology of stem borer Stromatium barbatum (F.) infesting grapevines in Maharashtra. Indian j. entomol. 81 (1), 170-176.
- Yadav DS, Ranade YH, Mhaske S and Ghule S (2019). Compatibility of insecticides with Metarhizium brunneum (Petch) and Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) for bio-intensive management of pink mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green). 33 (3), 253-263.
- Sawant IS, Salunkhe VP, Ghule SB, Wadkar PN, Chavan V, Ranade YH, Sawant SD (2020). Induction of resistance in grapevines against powdery mildew by Bacillus strains. 73(3), 35-44.
- Yadav DS, Mhaske SH, Ranade YH, Ghule SB, Shashank PR, Yakovlev R (2020). First record of occurrence of Dervishiya cadambae on grapevine, Vitis vinifera, along with its morphological and molecular identification and pathogenicity evaluation potential of Metarhizium brunneum as its biocontrol agent.
- Saha S, Sawant IS, Pawar SB, Yadav DS and Ranade YH (2020). Compatibility of Polyoxin D zinc salt 5% SC against various biocontrol agents used in grapes.
- Ranade Y, Sawant I, Saha S, Chandrashekhar M and Pathak P (2021). Epiphytic Microbial Diversity of Vitis vinifera Fructosphere: Present Status and Potential Applications. Curr. Microbiol. 78 (4), 1086-1098.
- Fand BB, Yadav DS, Mhaske SH and Ranade YH (2021). Biological parameters of stem borer Stromatium barbatum reared on grapevine wood logs under laboratory conditions. Int. J. Trop. Insect Sci. 41 (4), 2795-2803.
- Ranade YR, Pathak P, Sawant IS, Chandrashekar M, Chavan V and Saha S (2022). Trichoderma asperelloides 5R and Bacillus licheniformis TL-171 reduce epiphytic colonization and post-harvest berry decay due to Cladosporium sp. and improve the shelf life of grapes. Trop. Plant Pathol. 1-9.
- Ranade Y, Pathak P, Chandrashekar M, Saha S (2022). Fungitoxicity profile of Cladosporium cladosporioides C1, as a leveraging tool for postharvest management of grapes. Biologia. 77.
- Yadav DS, Ranade YH, Sawant I, Shashikant Ghule S, Sagar Mhaske S (2022). Isolation, identification and functional characterisation of bacteria associated with gut of wood feeding Stromatium barbatum (Fabr.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) larvae. Int. J. Trop. Insect Sci. 1-14.
- Ranade Y, Pathak P, Sawant I, Chandrashekhar M, Chavan V and Saha S. Application of Trichoderma and Bacillus during initial berry developmental stages inhibits epiphytic colonization of grape berries by Cladosporium spp., a post-harvest pathogen. 2nd International conference for Recent Trends in Bioengineering held at MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, India, (2019).
- Ranade Y, Saha S, Chandrashekar M, Shinde S and Pathak P. Preliminary studies on possible application of Kocuria sp. in plant growth promotion and bioremediation. 3rd International conference for Recent Trends in Bioengineering held at MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, India, (2020).
- Ranade Y, Saha S, Chandrashekar M, Shinde S and Pathak P. Pattern of acephate tolerance in bacteria isolated from grape berry surface. 4th International conference for Recent Trends in Bioengineering held at MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, India, (2021).
- Ranade Y, Pathak P, Chandrashekar M and Saha S. Screening of bacteria isolated from grape berry surface for biosurfactants production possessing antimicrobial activity”. 5th International Conference on Advances in Agriculture, Environmental and Biosciences for Sustainable Development (AAEBSD) Uttar Pradesh. (2021)
- Ranade Y, Pathak P, Chandrashekar M and Saha S. Cladosporium sp: An Emerging Pre-harvest Pathogen in Vineyard of India Involving Considerable Economic Loss. 2nd Agrobiodiversity Congress, Italy (2021).
- Ranade Y, Pathak P, Chandrashekar M and Saha S. Production, characterization and antagonistic potential of biosurfactant produced by Bacillus sp. against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose disease in grapes. 5th International conference for Recent Trends in Bioengineering held at MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, India (2022).
- Attended conference on “International Dialogue on Indian Viticulture: Way Forward” organized by ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune during 15-16 November, 2019 at Pune.
Training Programms
Attended and completed three days online training program on “Innovative Approaches to Develop Entrepreneurship in Grapes” from 8 th to 10th March, 2022, jointly organised by MANAGE, Hyderabad and Agri-Business Incubation Centre, ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune.
Popular Article (Marathi)
1 | गोडी उतरण्याच्या अवस्थेतील बागांमध्ये सुटी मोल्ड चे नियंत्रण | योगिता रानडे, डॉ. सुजोय सहा, डॉ. आर . जी . सोमकुंवर | अँग्रोवन | फेब्रुवारी २०२२ |
2 | द्राक्ष फळछाटणी आणि त्या नंतरचे रोग वैवस्थापन | डॉ. सुजोय सहा, डॉ. रत्ना ठोसर, योगिता रानडे | अँग्रोवन | मार्च २०२२ |
Award /achivement
- Best publication award 2012 from society for advancement of human and nature (SADHNA) for research paper, ‘Sharma.A.K. K, Sawant.S.D. D, Adsule.P.G. G and Rajguru.Y.R. Comparison of Commercial and Locally Identified Yeast Strains in Relation to Young Wine Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon. S. Afr. J. Enol. Vitic. Vol. 30, No. 2, 2009’.
- First prize for oral presentation in 2nd International conference for Recent Trends in Bioengineering held at MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, India on the topic, “Application of Trichoderma and Bacillus during initial berry developmental stages inhibits epiphytic colonization of grape berries by Cladosporium spp., a post-harvest pathogen”. Date – February 16th 2019
- First prize for oral presentation in 3rd International conference for Recent Trends in Bioengineering held at MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, India on the topic, “Preliminary studies on possible application of Kocuria sp. in plant growth promotion and bioremediation”. Date- January 31st -February 1st 2020
- First prize for oral presentation in 4th International conference for Recent Trends in Bioengineering held at MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, India on the topic, “Pattern of acephate tolerance in bacteria isolated from grape berry surface”. Date – February 12-13, 2021
- First prize for oral presentation in 5th International Conference on “Advances in Agriculture, Environmental and Biosciences for Sustainable Development (AAEBSD-2021)”, on the topic, “Screening of bacteria isolated from grape berry surface for biosurfactants production possessing antimicrobial activity”. Date- August 5-7th 2021
- First prize for oral presentation in 5th International conference for Recent Trends in Bioengineering held at MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, India on the topic, “Production, characterization and antagonistic potential of biosurfactant produced by Bacillus sp. against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose disease in grapes Date – February 12-13, 2022
- Best Research Scholar award at 5th International Conference on “Advances in Agriculture, Environmental and Biosciences for Sustainable Development (AAEBSD-2021)