- Ph.D. Chemical Engineering | Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur, Maharashtra, India |2012 – 2016
Thesis: Fruit Peel waste biorefinery - M.Tech. Chemical Engineering | Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India | 2009 - 2011
- B.Tech. Chemical Engineering | Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, Maharashtra, India|2004 - 2008
Teaching | 8 years |
Industry | 6 months |
Research | 4 years |
Career Highlights
- Invention Title: Fiber based environment friendly, low cost and reusable packaging material from corncob; Application Number: 201921014053; Application Filing Date: 08/04/2019; Inventors & Applicants: Sanjay Laxman Bhagat, Vyankatesh Sanjay Bhagat, Pranav Deepak Pathak – filed
- Invention Title: Blower impeller and its method of manufacturing thereof; Application Number: 201921036524; Application Filing Date: 27/09/2019; Inventors & Applicants: Sanjay Madhukarrao Niwding;Sanjay Laxman Bhagat, Anup Nidwing, Pranav Deepak Pathak – filed
- Invention Title: Plastic Degrading Reactor for Sanitary pad waste disposal; Inventors & Applicants: Renu Vyas, Nayana Patil, Madhura Madhura Chandrashekar, Pranav Deepak Pathak – filed
Papers Published in International Journals
- Yogita Ranade, Indu Sawant, Sujot Saha, Madhura Chandrashekhar, Pranav Pathak, Epiphytic microbial diversity of Vitis vinifera fructosphere: present status and potential applications, Current Microbiology(2021)- Accepted, In Press
- Vidyadhar Gedam, Rakesh Raut, Pragati Priyadarshinee, Sricharan Chirra , Pranav Pathak, Analyzing the adoption barriers for sustainability in the Indian power sector by DEMATEL approach, InternationalJournal of SustainableEngineering (2021)- Accepted, In Press
- Pranav Pathak, Vidyadhar V. Gedam, Sunil Deokar, Sanjay Bhagat, Anup Chahande, Pranay Raut, Studies on the removal of Brilliant Green dye using low cost agricultural waste, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 27 (4) (2020), 333-339
- Sanjay Bhagat, Vidyadhar V. Gedam,Pranav Pathak, “Adsorption/desorption, kinetics and equilibrium studies for the uptake of Cu(II) and Zn(II) onto banana peel "International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 18 (3) (2020), 20190109; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ijcre-2019-0109
- Vidyadhar V. Gedam, Anup Chahande, Pranay Raut, Pranav Pathak, “Characterisation and potential of Java citronella – a lignocellulosic residual biomass for bioethanol production”, Int. J. Environment and Waste Management(2020) – Accepted, In Press
- Vidyadhar V. Gedam, Pranay Raut, Anup Chahande, Pranav Pathak, Kinetic, Thermodynamics and Equilibrium studies on the removal of Congo Red Dye using activated Teak Leaf Powder, Applied Water Science (2019), 9:55; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13201-019-0933-9
- Saurabh N. Joglekar, Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgane, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni, Process of fruit peel waste biorefinery: a case study of citrus waste biorefinery, its environmental impacts and recommendations, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26 (34)(2019), 34713–34722; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-04196-0
- Pranav D. Pathak, Paradeep Singh, Sachin A. Mandavgane, Ultrasound-assisted removal of brilliant green from aqueous solution using fruit peels: banana and jackfruit peel, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 25(4), (2018), 324-335; DOI: http://nopr.niscair.res.in/handle/123456789/44960
- Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene, Kulkarni BD. Waste to Wealth: A Case study of Papaya peel, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 10 (2019); DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-017-0181-x
- Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni. Valorization of potato peel: A Biorefinery approach, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology38 (2), (2017), 218-230; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/07388551.2017.1331337
- Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni. Fruit peel waste: chacterization and its potential uses, Current science, 113(03), 2017,444-454; https://doi.org/10.18520/cs%2Fv113%2Fi03%2F444-454
- Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni. Valorization of pomegranate peel: A Biorefinery approach, Waste and Biomass Valorization 8(4) 2017, 1127–1137; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-016-9668-0
- Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni. Valorization of banana peel: A Biorefinery approach, Reviews in Chemical Engineering 32(6) 2016, 651–666; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/revce-2015-0063
- Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni. Characterizing fruit and vegetable waste as an adsorbent, Current Science, 110(11) 2016, 2114-2123; DOI: https://doi.org/10.18520/CS/V110/I11/2114-2123
- Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni. Utilization of banana peel for the removal of benzoic and salicylic acid from aqueous solutions and its potential reuse. Desalination Water Treatment 57, (27) 2016:1–13; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19443994.2015.1051589
- Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. Preparation and characterization of raw and carbon from banana peel by microwave activation: Application in citric acid adsorption. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3, (4A) 2015: 2435–2447; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2015.08.023
- Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni. Fruit peel waste a novel low cost bioadsorbent. Reviews in Chemical Engineering 31 (4) 2015: 361–381; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/revce-2014-0041
Oral Presentation
- 1. Virtual Labs: EDUCATION 4.0| National Online Faculty developement Programme Organized byVirtual Labs Nodal Centre- MIT-ADT University, Pune in association with, V-Labs, NMEICT, SOLVE-NITK, and Center for system Design (23rd July 2020)
- Online Teaching-Learning Pedagology (Module 201) (EDUCATION 4.0: Teacher's Training)| 1-week faculty development program organized by MIT-ADT University, Pune (20th June-25th June 2020)
- Process Modeling and Simulation Using MATLAB®|Self-sponsored 1-week short-term training program organized by the Department of Computer Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur (4th December – 8th December 2017).
- Software Development for Engineering Application and Research |Self-sponsored 2-week short-term training program organized by Department of Computer Engineering, Collage of Engineering and Technology, Akola (24th May –4th June 2017).
- Process Equipment Design | A 3-day intensive course organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur (12th September – 14th September 2014).
- Adsorptive Separations | A 2-day intensive course organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur (28th February –1st March 2014).
- Advances in Separation Processes(ASP-2013) | Self-sponsored 1-week short-term training program organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur (3rd June –7th June 2013).
- Process Simulation usingCHEMCAD (PSuC-2013) | Short-term training program under TEQIP-II, organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur (26th March – 28th March 2013).
- Nanotechnology Applications in Engineering and Technology (NAiET-2013) | Short-term training program under TEQIP-II, organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur (15th February – 17th February 2013).
- Analytical Equipment for Chemical Analysis | Faculty development program under TEQIP-II, organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, VNIT, Nagpur (1st February –3rd February 2013).
- Ecofriendly Techniques in Chemical Engineering |3-day workshop organized by Anuradha Engineering collage in collaboration with Indian Society for Technical Education, Chikhli chapter, and Consortium of Engineering collages & polytechnics, Amravati region (11th-13th January 2010).
- Advances in Process Modeling, Simulation and Optimization |3-day workshop organized by Anuradha Engineering collage and Indian Society for Technical Education, Chikhli chapter (8th-10th September 2009).
Industrial Trainings
- Manufacturing of ASP, Sulphuric Acid, Water Treatment, and Coke Ovens | at Bhilai Technical Institute, Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai, Chattisgarh on 5th July-17th July 2006
- Manufacturing of HDPE Pipes and Barrels |at RELLPOL plastics products limited, Akola, Maharashtra on 22nd June-26th June 2006
International Conference
- Yogita Ranade, Indu Sawant, Madhura Chandrashekar, Sujoy Saha and Raviraj Shinde, Pranav Pathak, Preliminary studies on possible application of Kocuria sp. in plant growth promotion and bioremediation; 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2019), MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, Maharashtra (First Prize)
- Ajay Extross, Aditya Waknis, Chandrakant Tagad, Pranav Pathak, Study of Biosorbent from Water Hyacinth for dye removal; 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2019), MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, Maharashtra (Second Prize)
- Yogita Ranade, Indu Sawant, Madhura Chandrashekar, Vijayshree Chavan and Pranav Pathak, Application of Trichoderma and Bacillus during initial berry developmental stages inhibits epiphytic colonization of grape berries by Cladosporium spp., a post-harvest pathogen, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2019), MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, Maharashtra (First Prize)
- Bhawna B. Sharnagat, Atharva T. Bahad, Vidyadhar V. Gedam, Pranay Raut, Pranav Pathak, Anup Chahande, Assessment of novel substrate Zizipus Oenoplia for fruit wine production, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2019), MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, Maharashtra
- Nandini S. Kotharkar, Anagha Apte, Saipriya Kurapati, Pranoti Shinde, Pranav Pathak, Renu Vyas, Pharmacological and Phytochemical Evaluation of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2019), MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, Maharashtra
- Anagha Apte, Saipriya Kurapati, Pranoti Shinde, Nayana Patil, Pranav Pathak, Renu Vyas, Extraction of active potent ingredient from calotropis leaves, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2019), MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, Maharashtra
- Pranav D Pathak, Vidyadhar V. Gedam, Sanjay Bhagat, A Chahande, Biorefineries: A Sustinable approach for high value added products in rular India, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications (Techno-Societal 2018), December 14-15,2018, Shri Vithal Vihari Education and Research Institute, Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India.
- Pranav D Pathak, Sanjay Bhagat.“Banana peel: a promising adsorbent for wastewater treatment “International Conference on Advances in Science, Technology & Management”(IC-ASTM,) October10, 2017, Collage of Engineering and Technology, Akola.
- Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “Physicochemical characterization of fruit and vegetable waste.” International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering (INCEEE-15), March 20 and 21, 2015, Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Warangal, Warangal, Telangana, India, 286–286 (ISBN 978-81-928314-1-1)
- S Bidwai, K Kottawar, Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “Banana pseudo stem fiber for the removal of aromatic carboxylic acid.” International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering (INCEEE-15), March 20 and 21, 2015, Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Warangal, Warangal, Telangana, India 383–384 (ISBN 978-81-928314-1-1).
- Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “Kinetics of aromatic acid adsorption on modified banana peel.” International Conference On Environment and Energy (ICEE-2014), December 15–17, 2014, Organized by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
- Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “Adsorption of phenylacetic acid on banana peel.” International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental Pollution Prevention and control (ICGTEPC 2014), September 27–29, 2014, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, India
- Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “Removal of aromatic organic acids from dilute aqueous solution.” International Conference On Frontiers In Chemical Engineering (ICFCE-2013), December 9–11, 2013, Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, India.
National/State Level Conference
- M Kosamia, R Limbachiya, M Vaghani, K Rathod, A Ribadiya, Pranav D Pathak, “Insight of column adsorption”, Green Chemistry-The only way to sustain, March 17, 2018, Pacific School of Engineering, Surat.
- M Surati, S Poshiya, Y Tailor, K Bhuva, K Vaghani, Pranav D Pathak, “Utilization of sugarcane waste for wastewater treatment”, Chemix’18, April 7-8, 2018, VNIT, Nagpur
- U Baldha, A Gondaliya, R Amrutiya, K Makwana, Pranav D Pathak, “Banana Peel: A rich source of pectin”, Chemix’18, April 7-8, 2018, VNIT, Nagpur
- M Surati, S Poshiya, Y Tailor, K Bhuva, K Vaghani, Pranav D Pathak, “Utilization of Sugarcane Bagasse for dye removal”, Integration of Research to Industrial Application, February 20, 2018, Gujarat Cleaner Production Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
- Nandini Raghuvanshi, Rutuja Atrey, Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “Removal of salicylic acid from dilute aqueous solution.” CHEMCON-14, December 27–30, 2014, Chandigarh Regional Centre/Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chandigarh, India.
- Singh P, Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “Use of sonication for removal of brilliant green dye from aqueous solution.” CHEMCON-14, December 27–30, 2014, Chandigarh Regional Centre/Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chandigarh, India.
- Pranav D. Pathak, “Fruit Peels: Novel adsorbent for removal of pollutants from waste waters (Poster)”, Research Scholar Day at VNIT, Nagpur on September 20, 2014.
- P S Vaidya, S Itankar, Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “ Removal of tartrazine from water by adsorption onto Rice husk ash”, National conference on green chemistry and engineering, March 22–23, 2013, VNIT, Nagpur, India
- Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “Removal of pollutants using fruit peels.” Pollution Prevention through Development of Bio-Based Material and Energy, February 22 and 23, 2013, MNIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
- Pranav D Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgene. “Adsorption of benzoic acid from aqueous solution using banana peel.” National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials, January 21–23, 2013, Department of Chemistry, VNIT, Nagpur, India.
- Pranav D Pathak, Shyam P Tekade “Salt effect in vapour liquid equilibria.” AZotropy 2k11, March 6–7, 2011, IIT Bombay, Maharashtra, India.
- Pranav D Pathak, Shyam P Tekade “Removal of endosulfan—a comparative study.” AZotropy 2k10, March 6–7, 2010, IIT Bombay, Maharashtra, India.
- Pranav D Pathak, Shyam P Tekade “Removal of endosulfan by low cost adsorbent.” Chemcon-10, March 4–6, 2010, Anuradha Engineering College, Chikhli, Maharashtra, India.
- Pranav D Pathak, M. Borkar “Use of biosensor in food industry.” Nirmati07, February 17, 2007, PVPIT, Bludgaon, Sangli, Maharashtra, India
- TEQUIP-II fellowship| for full-time Ph.D at VNIT Nagpur
- Best paper| Pranav D Pathak, Tekade SP. “Salt effect in vapor liquid equilibria.” AZotropy 2k11, March 6–7, 2011, IIT Bombay, Maharashtra, India (2nd prize)
- Innovation Project Proposal| Innovation proposal “Fruit peel waste: A Useful Bioresource” has been shortlisted in Bharat Innovation Summit-2017 from all over India
- Best paper| Yogita Ranade, Indu Sawant, Madhura Chandrashekar, Sujoy Saha and Raviraj Shinde, Pranav Pathak, Preliminary studies on possible application of Kocuria sp. in plant growth promotion and bioremediation; 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2019), MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, Maharashtra (First Prize)
- Best paper| Ajay Extross, Aditya Waknis, Chandrakant Tagad, Pranav Pathak, Study of Biosorbent from Water Hyacinth for dye removal; 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2019), MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, Maharashtra (Second Prize)
- Best paper| Yogita Ranade, Indu Sawant, Madhura Chandrashekar, Vijayshree Chavan and Pranav Pathak, Application of Trichoderma and Bacillus during initial berry developmental stages inhibits epiphytic colonization of grape berries by Cladosporium spp., a post-harvest pathogen, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Bioengineering (ICRTB 2019), MIT School of Bioengineering Sciences & Research, Pune, Maharashtra (First Prize)