Deepali Ghorpade

Research Area: Genomic Data Analysis

Research Topic: Computational analysis of Next generation sequencing data using big data analytics approach.


1. “Obstacle Detection and Avoidance Algorithm for Autonomous Mobile Robot using 2D LiDAR”, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), ISBN: 978-1-5386-4008-1, 2017.

2. “Human Skin Color Detection Algorithm Optimization with CUDA”, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation (ICCUBEA), ISBN: 978-1-5386-4008-1, 2017.

3. Big data analytics for handling NGS data and its applications in identifying cancer mutations (Advances in Bioengineering, Springer book chapter).

4. “The Obstacle Detection and Avoidance Algorithm for Robotic System using 2DLiDAR and Embedded Linux”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, pp.693-699, 2017.

Presentations (Oral):

1. Obstacle Detection and Avoidance Algorithm for Autonomous Mobile Robot using 2D LiDAR (ICCUBEA -2017).

2. Human Skin Color Detection Algorithm Optimization with CUDA (ICCUBEA -2017).