Mr. Surojit Sadhu

Research Area: Chemoinformatics and Drug Discovery

Research topic: Using Chemoinformatics and Machine learning to discover novel anti-viral molecules.

Presentations (Oral/poster):

1. As founder of Advent Informatics I have delivered numerous training session on chemoinformatics tools.

2. Delivered lecture on chemoinformatics and drug discovery in the Drug Discovery Hackathon training organized the Ministry of Human Resource and Development in association with CSIR and AICET.

3. Delivered a talk on “Evidence-based toxicity alerts assisting drug discovery in real-time” in OpenTox Asia-2019 organized at CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology

4. Delivered a talk on “Recent Advances in Chemoinformatics and Drug Discovery” in Drug Discovery India 2019 organized by Select Biosciences.

5. Presented poster titled “Using Information models for data analysis and Workflow” in SSX India – 2017

6. Presented a poster on “ViMAL- Virus Molecular Association from Literature” in Drug Info meet 2009