Ms. Rucha Wadapurkar

Research Area: Next generation sequencing,Cancer genomics

Research topic: Computational analysis of next generation sequencing data and its applications in clinical oncology of ovarian cancer


“ACER- Cancer innovative award for best innovative and novel idea” for oral presentation on Computational analysis of targeted sequencing data of ovarian cancer cell lines in International conference on basic and translational cancer research: novel ideas and approaches.


1. Computational analysis of next generation sequencing data and its applications in clinical oncology (Informatics in medicine unlocked, Elsevier, volume 11).

2. Big data analytics for handling NGS data and its applications in identifying cancer mutations (Advances in Bioengineering, Springer book chapter).

3. Identification of ovarian cancer mutations by computational analysis of targeted sequencing data and their impact on protein structure and function (Under review).

Presentations (Oral):

1. Identification of ovarian cancer mutations using next generation sequencing (ICRTB-2018).

2. Computational analysis of whole exome sequence data to identify ovarian cancer mutations (ICRTB-2019).

3. Computational analysis of targeted sequencing data of ovarian cancer cell lines (ICBTCR-2020).